74 void (*f_done_callback)(
void *arg_ptr),
92 void (*f_done_callback)(
void *arg_ptr),
em_status_t check_notif(const em_notif_t *const notif)
Check that the usage of a notification is valid.
em_event_group_t internal_done_w_notif_req(int event_group_count, void(*f_done_callback)(void *arg_ptr), void *f_done_arg_ptr, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[], bool sync_operation)
Helper func: Allocate & set up the internal 'done' event with function callbacks and notification eve...
em_status_t create_ctrl_queues(void)
Create EM's internal unscheduled control queues at startup.
void poll_unsched_ctrl_queue(void)
Poll EM's internal unscheduled control queues during dispatch.
em_status_t delete_ctrl_queues(void)
Delete EM's internal unscheduled control queues at teardown.
em_status_t check_notif_tbl(const int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
Check that the usage of a table of notifications is valid.
int send_core_ctrl_events(const em_core_mask_t *const mask, em_event_t ctrl_event, void(*f_done_callback)(void *arg_ptr), void *f_done_arg_ptr, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[], bool sync_operation)
Sends an internal control event to each core set in 'mask'.
void evgrp_abort_delete(em_event_group_t event_group)
internal_done_w_notif_req() 'companion' to abort and delete the event group created by the mentioned ...
em_status_t send_notifs(const int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
Helper func to send notifications events.