EM-ODP  3.8.0-1
Event Machine on ODP
Execution objects (EO)

Data Structures

struct  em_eo_multircv_param_t


typedef void(* em_receive_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_event_t event, em_event_type_t type, em_queue_t queue, void *q_ctx)
typedef void(* em_receive_multi_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_event_t events[], int num, em_queue_t queue, void *q_ctx)
typedef em_status_t(* em_start_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo, const em_eo_conf_t *conf)
typedef em_status_t(* em_start_local_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)
typedef em_status_t(* em_stop_local_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)
typedef em_status_t(* em_stop_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)


em_eo_t em_eo_create (const char *name, em_start_func_t start, em_start_local_func_t local_start, em_stop_func_t stop, em_stop_local_func_t local_stop, em_receive_func_t receive, const void *eo_ctx)
void em_eo_multircv_param_init (em_eo_multircv_param_t *param)
em_eo_t em_eo_create_multircv (const char *name, const em_eo_multircv_param_t *param)
em_status_t em_eo_delete (em_eo_t eo)
size_t em_eo_get_name (em_eo_t eo, char *name, size_t maxlen)
em_eo_t em_eo_find (const char *name)
em_status_t em_eo_add_queue (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_add_queue_sync (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue)
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_sync (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue)
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_all (em_eo_t eo, int delete_queues, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_all_sync (em_eo_t eo, int delete_queues)
em_status_t em_eo_register_error_handler (em_eo_t eo, em_error_handler_t handler)
em_status_t em_eo_unregister_error_handler (em_eo_t eo)
em_status_t em_eo_start (em_eo_t eo, em_status_t *result, const em_eo_conf_t *conf, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_start_sync (em_eo_t eo, em_status_t *result, const em_eo_conf_t *conf)
em_status_t em_eo_stop (em_eo_t eo, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_stop_sync (em_eo_t eo)
em_eo_t em_eo_current (void)
void * em_eo_get_context (em_eo_t eo)
em_eo_state_t em_eo_get_state (em_eo_t eo)
em_eo_t em_eo_get_first (unsigned int *num)
em_eo_t em_eo_get_next (void)
em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_first (unsigned int *num, em_eo_t eo)
em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_next (void)
uint64_t em_eo_to_u64 (em_eo_t eo)

Detailed Description

Operations on EO

Execution objects (EO) are the application building blocks of EM. An EO typically implements one logical function or one stage in a pipeline, but alternatively the whole application could be implemented with one EO. EOs work as servers, queues are the service access points (inputs to the EO).

An EO consists of user provided callback functions and context data. The most important function is the receive function, which gets called when an event is received from one of the queues associated with the EO. The EM scheduler selects the next event for processing on a core and the EM dispatcher on that core maps the received event and queue information to an EO receive function to call to process the event. Other EO functions are used to manage start-up and teardown of EOs. See individual EO functions for more details.

     .->.------->|   CREATED   | (new events discarded)
     |  |        '-------------'
     |  |               | em_eo_start(+notifs) / em_eo_start_sync()
     |  |               v
     |  |        .-------------.
     |  |        |   STARTING  | (new events discarded)
     |  '        '-------------'
     |   \         global start
     |    \            THEN
     |     \       local start on each core
     |      '--- FAIL   OK
     |                  | send 'start-completed' notifications
     |                  v
     .           .-------------.
     |           |   RUNNING   |
     |           '-------------'
     |                  | em_eo_stop(+notifs) / em_eo_stop_sync()
     |                  v
     '           .-------------.
      \          |   STOPPING  | (new events discarded)
       \         '-------------'
        \               |
         \              v
          \         local stops on each core
           \           THEN
            \       global stops
             \          .
              \        /
               -------' send 'stop-completed' notifications

Typedef Documentation

◆ em_receive_func_t

typedef void(* em_receive_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_event_t event, em_event_type_t type, em_queue_t queue, void *q_ctx)

Execution object (EO) event receive function (single-event)

An application receives events through queues and these events are passed to the application's EO receive function(s) for processing. The EO receive function implements the main part of the application logic. EM calls the receive function when it has dequeued an event from one of the EO's queues. The application then processes the event and returns immediately in a run-to-completion fashion. There is no pre-emption.

On multicore systems, several events (from the same or different queue) may be dequeued in parallel and thus the same receive function may be executed concurrently on several cores. Parallel execution may be limited by queue group setup or by using queues with an atomic scheduling mode.

The EO and queue context pointers are user defined. The EO context is given at EO creation and the queue context is set with em_queue_set_context(). These contexts may be used in any way needed, the EM implementation will not dereference them. For example, the EO context may be used to store global EO state information, which is common to all queues and events for that EO. In addition, the queue context may be used to store queue specific state data (e.g. user data flow related data). The queue context data for an atomic queue can be freely manipulated in the receive function, since only one event at a time can be under work from that particular atomic queue. For other queue types it is up to the user to synchronize context access. The EO context is protected only if the EO has one queue and it is of type 'atomic' (applies also to several atomic queues that belong to the same atomic group).

An event (handle) must be converted to an event structure pointer with em_event_pointer() before accessing any data it may contain. The event type specifies the event structure in memory, which is implementation or application specific. The queue handle specifies the queue where the event was dequeued from.

The EO will not receive any events if it has not been successfully started.

eo_ctxEO context data given to em_eo_create(), EM does not dereference.
eventEvent handle
typeEvent type
queueQueue from which the event was dequeued
q_ctxQueue context data. The context pointer is set by em_queue_set_context(), EM does not touch the data.
See also
em_eo_create(), em_alloc(), em_free(), em_send(), em_event_pointer(), em_queue_set_context()
fractal.c, hello.c, loop_united.c, and timer_hello.c.

Definition at line 149 of file event_machine_eo.h.

◆ em_receive_multi_func_t

typedef void(* em_receive_multi_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_event_t events[], int num, em_queue_t queue, void *q_ctx)

Execution object (EO) multi-event receive function

Similar to the single-event receive function (em_receive_func_t), except that multiple events can be passed with one call to the EO receive function. A multi-event receive function is taken into use during EO creation with a call to em_eo_create_multircv(...). The maximum number of events that the multi-event EO receive function is prepared to handle can be passed with the argument 'max_events' of em_eo_create_multircv(). The EM dispatcher will split event batches larger than 'max_events' into chunks of 'max_events'.

Event group handling: All events passed by the EM dispatcher to the EO multi-event receive function belong to the same event group (or none) - a batch of events containing multiple event groups is split by the dispatcher into smaller chunks, each chunk belonging to the same event group (or none). The event group count is decremented by the number of events passed to the receive function when execution returns to the dispatcher.

Note: Contrary to the single-event EO receive function (em_receive_func_t), no event types are passed. Use appropriate event APIs if the event types are needed.

eo_ctxEO context data given to em_eo_create_multircv(), EM does not dereference.
eventsEvent handles: events[num]
numNumber of events received (0 to 'max_events' of em_eo_create_multircv())
queueQueue from which the event was dequeued
q_ctxQueue context data. The context pointer is set by em_queue_set_context(), EM does not touch the data.
See also
em_eo_create_multircv(), em_alloc(), em_free(), em_send(), em_event_pointer(), em_queue_set_context()

Definition at line 189 of file event_machine_eo.h.

◆ em_start_func_t

typedef em_status_t(* em_start_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo, const em_eo_conf_t *conf)

Execution object (EO) start function, global.

This EO callback function is called once on one core by em_eo_start(). The purpose of this global EO-start is to provide a placeholder for first level EO initialization, e.g. allocating memory and initializing shared data. After this global start returns, the EO core local start function (if given) is called on all cores in this EM instance. If there is no core local start, then event dispatching is enabled as this function returns, otherwise the EO is enabled only when all core local starts have completed successfully on all the cores. If this function does not return EM_OK, the system will not call the core local init and will not enable event dispatching for this EO.

Note that events sent to scheduled queues from a start function are buffered. The buffered events will be sent into the queues when the EO start functions have returned - otherwise it would not be possible to send events to the EO's own queues as the EO is not yet in a started state. No buffering is done when sending to queues that are not scheduled.

The last argument is an optional startup configuration passed directly from em_eo_start(). If local start functions need the configuration data, it must be saved during the global start.

This function should never be directly called from the application, it will be called by em_eo_start(), which maintains state information.

eo_ctxExecution object internal state/instance data
eoExecution object handle
confOptional startup configuration, NULL ok.
EM_OK if successful, other values abort EO start
See also
em_eo_start(), em_eo_create()
fractal.c, hello.c, and timer_hello.c.

Definition at line 227 of file event_machine_eo.h.

◆ em_start_local_func_t

typedef em_status_t(* em_start_local_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)

Execution object (EO) start function, core local.

This is similar to the global start above, but this one is called after the global start has completed and is run on all cores of the EM instance potentially in parallel.

The purpose of this optional local start is to work as a placeholder for core local initialization, e.g. allocating core local memory.

Note that events sent to scheduled queues from local start functions are buffered. The buffered events will be sent into the queues when the EO start functions have returned - otherwise it would not be possible to send events to the EO's own queues as the EO is not yet in a started state. No buffering is done when sending to queues that are not scheduled.

This function should never be directly called from the application, it will be called by em_eo_start(), which maintains state information.

Event dispatching is not enabled if this function doesn't return EM_OK on all cores.

eo_ctxExecution object internal state/instance data
eoExecution object handle
EM_OK if successful, other values prevent EO start
See also
em_eo_start(), em_eo_create()

Definition at line 259 of file event_machine_eo.h.

◆ em_stop_func_t

typedef em_status_t(* em_stop_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)

Execution object (EO) stop function, global.

The EO global stop function is called once on one core after the optional core local stop functions return on all cores. The system disables event dispatching before calling this function and also makes sure it does not get called before all cores have been notified of the stop condition for this EO (don't dispatch new events).

This function should never be directly called from the application, it will be called by em_eo_stop(), which maintains state information.

eo_ctxExecution object internal state data
eoExecution object handle
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_eo_stop(), em_eo_create()
fractal.c, hello.c, and timer_hello.c.

Definition at line 301 of file event_machine_eo.h.

◆ em_stop_local_func_t

typedef em_status_t(* em_stop_local_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)

Execution object (EO) stop function, core local.

This function is called once on each core of the EM instance before the global stop (reverse order of start). The system disables event dispatching before calling these and also makes sure this does not get called before the core has been notified of the stop condition for this EO (won't dispatch any new events).

This function should never be directly called from the application, it will be called by em_eo_stop(), which maintains state information.

eo_ctxExecution object internal state data
eoExecution object handle
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_eo_stop(), em_eo_create()

Definition at line 280 of file event_machine_eo.h.

Function Documentation

◆ em_eo_add_queue()

em_status_t em_eo_add_queue ( em_eo_t  eo,
em_queue_t  queue,
int  num_notif,
const em_notif_t  notif_tbl[] 

Add a queue to an EO, asynchronous (non-blocking)

Add the given queue to the EO and enable scheduling for it. The function returns immediately, but the operation can be asynchronous and only fully complete later. The given notification events are sent when the operation has completed and the queue is ready to receive events. Note, that the completion notification(s) guarantee that the queue itself is operational, but if the target EO is not yet started then events sent into the queue will still be dropped by dispatcher.

eoEO handle
queueQueue handle
num_notifNumber of notification events, 0 for no notification
notif_tblArray of pairs of event and queue identifiers (+ optional event groups to send the events with)
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_queue_create(), em_eo_create(), em_eo_remove_queue(), em_eo_add_queue_sync()

Definition at line 336 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_add_queue_sync()

em_status_t em_eo_add_queue_sync ( em_eo_t  eo,
em_queue_t  queue 

Add a queue to an EO, synchronous (blocking)

As em_eo_add_queue(), but does not return until the queue is ready to receive events.

Note that the function is blocking and will not return until the operation has completed across all concerned EM cores. Sync-API calls can block the core for a long (indefinite) time, thus they should not be used to make runtime changes on real time EM cores - consider the async variants of the APIs in these cases instead. While one core is calling a sync-API function, the others must be running the EM dispatch loop to be able to receive and handle the sync-API request events sent internally. Use the sync-APIs mainly to simplify application start-up or teardown.

eoEO handle
queueQueue handle
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_queue_create(), em_eo_create(), em_eo_remove_queue()
em_eo_add_queue() for an asynchronous version of the API
api_hooks.c, atomic_processing_end.c, dispatcher_callback.c, error.c, event_group.c, event_group_abort.c, event_group_assign_end.c, event_group_chaining.c, fractal.c, hello.c, loop.c, loop_multircv.c, loop_refs.c, loop_united.c, loop_vectors.c, ordered.c, pairs.c, pool_perf.c, queue_group.c, queue_groups.c, queue_types_ag.c, queue_types_local.c, queues.c, queues_local.c, queues_output.c, queues_unscheduled.c, scheduling_latency.c, send_multi.c, timer_hello.c, timer_test.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 344 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_create()

em_eo_t em_eo_create ( const char *  name,
em_start_func_t  start,
em_start_local_func_t  local_start,
em_stop_func_t  stop,
em_stop_local_func_t  local_stop,
em_receive_func_t  receive,
const void *  eo_ctx 

Create an Execution Object (EO).

Allocate an EO handle and initialize internal data for the new EO. The EO is left in a non-active state, i.e. no events are dispatched before em_eo_start() has been called. Start, stop and receive callback functions are mandatory arguments.

The EO name is copied into EO internal data. The maximum length stored is EM_EO_NAME_LEN. Duplicate names are allowed, but find will only match one of them.

nameName of the EO (optional, NULL ok)
startStart function
local_startCore local start function (NULL if no local start)
stopStop function
local_stopCore local stop function (NULL if no local stop)
receiveReceive function
eo_ctxUser defined EO context data, EM passes the value (NULL if no context)
New EO handle if successful, otherwise EM_EO_UNDEF.
See also
em_eo_start(), em_eo_delete(), em_queue_create(), em_eo_add_queue()
em_start_func_t, em_stop_func_t, em_receive_func_t
api_hooks.c, atomic_processing_end.c, dispatcher_callback.c, error.c, event_group.c, event_group_abort.c, event_group_assign_end.c, event_group_chaining.c, fractal.c, hello.c, loop.c, loop_refs.c, loop_united.c, loop_vectors.c, ordered.c, pairs.c, pool_perf.c, queue_group.c, queue_groups.c, queue_types_ag.c, queue_types_local.c, queues.c, queues_local.c, queues_output.c, queues_unscheduled.c, scheduling_latency.c, send_multi.c, timer_hello.c, timer_test.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 40 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_create_multircv()

em_eo_t em_eo_create_multircv ( const char *  name,
const em_eo_multircv_param_t param 

Create an Execution Object (EO) with a multi-event receive function.

Similar to em_eo_create(), except that an EO multi-event receive function is taken into use for the created EO, see em_receive_multi_func_t (passed via em_eo_multircv_param_t param).

Always initialize 'param' first with em_eo_multircv_param_init(&param) to ensure backwards compatibility before setting your own params and calling em_eo_create_multircv():

em_eo_t eo;
param.start = my_start_fn;
param.stop = my_stop_fn;
param.receive_multi = my_receive_multi_fn;
param.max_events = MY_MAX_EVENTS; // or use default=0
eo = em_eo_create_multircv("my-eo", &param);
if (unlikely(eo == EM_EO_UNDEF))
#define EM_EO_UNDEF
void em_eo_multircv_param_init(em_eo_multircv_param_t *param)
em_eo_t em_eo_create_multircv(const char *name, const em_eo_multircv_param_t *param)
em_receive_multi_func_t receive_multi
nameName of the EO (optional, NULL ok)
paramEO parameters
New EO handle if successful, otherwise EM_EO_UNDEF.
See also
em_eo_start(), em_eo_start_sync(), em_eo_stop(), em_eo_stop_sync()
em_start_func_t, em_stop_func_t, em_receive_multi_func_t
loop_multircv.c, and loop_united.c.

Definition at line 122 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_current()

em_eo_t em_eo_current ( void  )

Return the currently active EO

Returns the EO handle associated with the currently running EO function. Only valid if called within an EO-context, will return EM_EO_UNDEF otherwise. Can be called from the EO-receive or EO-start/stop functions (or subfunctions thereof). Note that calling em_eo_current() from e.g. an EO-start function that was launched from within another EO's receive will return the EO handle of the EO being started - i.e. always returns the 'latest' current EO.

The current EO or EM_EO_UNDEF if no current EO (or error)
api_hooks.c, queue_types_ag.c, and queue_types_local.c.

Definition at line 996 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_delete()

em_status_t em_eo_delete ( em_eo_t  eo)

Delete Execution Object (EO).

Immediately delete the given EO and free the identifier.

NOTE, that an EO can only be deleted after it has been stopped using em_eo_stop() with notifications or em_eo_stop_sync(), otherwise another core might still access the EO data. All associated queues must be removed before deleting an EO.

A sequence of

#define EM_TRUE
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_all_sync(em_eo_t eo, int delete_queues)
em_status_t em_eo_stop_sync(em_eo_t eo)
em_status_t em_eo_delete(em_eo_t eo)

will cleanly delete an EO from the EM point of view (not including user allocated data).

eoEO handle to delete
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_eo_stop(), em_eo_remove_queue()
api_hooks.c, atomic_processing_end.c, dispatcher_callback.c, error.c, event_group.c, event_group_abort.c, event_group_assign_end.c, event_group_chaining.c, fractal.c, hello.c, loop.c, loop_multircv.c, loop_refs.c, loop_united.c, loop_vectors.c, ordered.c, pairs.c, pool_perf.c, queue_group.c, queue_groups.c, queue_types_ag.c, queue_types_local.c, queues.c, queues_local.c, queues_output.c, queues_unscheduled.c, scheduling_latency.c, send_multi.c, timer_hello.c, timer_test.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 205 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_find()

em_eo_t em_eo_find ( const char *  name)

Find EO by name.

Finds an EO by the given name (exact match). An empty string will not match anything. The search is case sensitive. This function will return the first match only if there are duplicate names.

namethe name to look for
EO handle or EM_EO_UNDEF if not found
See also
timer_hello.c, timer_test.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 265 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_get_context()

void* em_eo_get_context ( em_eo_t  eo)

Get EO specific (application) context.

Returns the EO context pointer that the application has earlier provided via em_eo_create().

eoEO for which the context is requested
EO specific context pointer or NULL if no context (or error)
api_hooks.c, queue_types_ag.c, queue_types_local.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 1002 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_get_first()

em_eo_t em_eo_get_first ( unsigned int *  num)

Initialize EO iteration and return the first EO handle.

Can be used to initialize the iteration to retrieve all created EOs for debugging or management purposes. Use em_eo_get_next() after this call until it returns EM_EO_UNDEF. A new call to em_eo_get_first() resets the iteration, which is maintained per core (thread). The operation should be completed in one go before returning from the EO's event receive function (or start/stop).

The number of EOs (output arg 'num') may not match the amount of EOs actually returned by iterating using em_eo_get_next() if EOs are added or removed in parallel by another core. The order of the returned EO handles is undefined.

unsigned int num;
em_eo_t eo = em_eo_get_first(&num);
while (eo != EM_EO_UNDEF) {
em_eo_t em_eo_get_next(void)
em_eo_t em_eo_get_first(unsigned int *num)
[out]numPointer to an unsigned int to store the amount of EOs into
The first EO handle or EM_EO_UNDEF if none exist
See also

Definition at line 1051 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_get_name()

size_t em_eo_get_name ( em_eo_t  eo,
char *  name,
size_t  maxlen 

Returns the name given to the EO when it was created.

A copy of the name string (up to 'maxlen' characters) is written to the user buffer 'name'. The string is always null terminated - even if the given buffer length is less than the name length.

The function returns 0 and writes an empty string if the EO has no name.

eoEO handle
[out]nameDestination buffer
maxlenMaximum length (including the terminating '0')
Number of characters written (excludes the terminating '0').
See also
api_hooks.c, atomic_processing_end.c, dispatcher_callback.c, error.c, fractal.c, hello.c, and queue_types_ag.c.

Definition at line 236 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_get_next()

em_eo_t em_eo_get_next ( void  )

Return the next EO handle.

Continues the EO iteration started by em_eo_get_first() and returns the next EO handle.

The next EO handle or EM_EO_UNDEF if the EO iteration is completed (i.e. no more EO's available).
See also

Definition at line 1075 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_get_state()

em_eo_state_t em_eo_get_state ( em_eo_t  eo)

Return the EO state.

Returns the current state of the given EO.

The current EO state or EM_EO_STATE_UNDEF if never created.

Definition at line 1031 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_multircv_param_init()

void em_eo_multircv_param_init ( em_eo_multircv_param_t param)

Initialize parameters for the multi-event receive-function EO.

Initialize em_eo_multircv_param_t to default values for all fields. After initialization, the user further needs to set the mandatory fields of 'em_eo_multircv_param_t' before calling em_eo_create_multircv(). Always initialize 'param' first with em_eo_multircv_param_init(&param) to ensure backwards compatibility with potentially added new options.

paramAddress of the em_eo_multircv_param_t to be initialized
See also
loop_multircv.c, and loop_united.c.

Definition at line 108 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_queue_get_first()

em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_first ( unsigned int *  num,
em_eo_t  eo 

Initialize iteration of an EO's queues and return the first queue handle.

Can be used to initialize the iteration to retrieve all queues associated with the given EO for debugging or management purposes. Use em_eo_queue_get_next() after this call until it returns EM_QUEUE_UNDEF. A new call to em_eo_queue_get_first() resets the iteration, which is maintained per core (thread). The operation should be started and completed in one go before returning from the EO's event receive function (or start/stop).

The number of queues owned by the EO (output arg 'num') may not match the amount of queues actually returned by iterating using em_eo_queue_get_next() if queues are added or removed in parallel by another core. The order of the returned queue handles is undefined.

Simplified example:

unsigned int num;
em_queue_t q = em_eo_queue_get_first(&num, eo);
while (q != EM_QUEUE_UNDEF) {
em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_first(unsigned int *num, em_eo_t eo)
em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_next(void)
[out]numOutput the current amount of queues associated with the EO
eoEO handle
The first queue handle or EM_QUEUE_UNDEF if none exist or the EO is invalid.
See also

Definition at line 1093 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_queue_get_next()

em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_next ( void  )

Return the EO's next queue handle.

Continues the queue iteration started by em_eo_queue_get_first() and returns the next queue handle owned by the EO.

The next queue handle or EM_QUEUE_UNDEF if the queue iteration is completed (i.e. no more queues available for this EO).
See also

Definition at line 1140 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_register_error_handler()

em_status_t em_eo_register_error_handler ( em_eo_t  eo,
em_error_handler_t  handler 

Register an EO specific error handler.

The EO specific error handler is called if an error occurs or em_error() is called in the context of the running EO. Note, the provided function will override any previously registered error handler for the EO in question. The global error handler is called if no EO specific error handler is registered.

eoEO handle
handlerNew error handler
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_register_error_handler(), em_error_handler_t()
error.c, event_group_abort.c, and timer_test.c.

Definition at line 566 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_remove_queue()

em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue ( em_eo_t  eo,
em_queue_t  queue,
int  num_notif,
const em_notif_t  notif_tbl[] 

Removes a queue from an EO, asynchronous (non-blocking)

Disables queue scheduling and removes the queue from the EO. The function returns immediately, but the operation can be asynchronous and only fully complete later. The given notification events are sent when the operation has completed across all cores and no event from this queue is being dispatched anymore. Use notifications to know when the operation has fully completed and the queue can safely be deleted.

eoEO handle
queueQueue handle to remove
num_notifNumber of notification events, 0 for no notification
notif_tblArray of pairs of event and queue identifiers (+ optional event groups to send the events with)
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_eo_add_queue(), em_eo_remove_queue_sync()

Definition at line 352 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_remove_queue_all()

em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_all ( em_eo_t  eo,
int  delete_queues,
int  num_notif,
const em_notif_t  notif_tbl[] 

Removes all queues from an EO, asynchronous (non-blocking)

Like em_eo_remove_queue(), but removes all queues currently associated with the EO. The argument 'delete_queues' can be used to automatically also delete all queues by setting it to EM_TRUE (EM_FALSE otherwise). Note: any allocated queue contexts will still need to be handled elsewhere.

eoEO handle
delete_queuesdelete the EO's queues if set to EM_TRUE
num_notifNumber of notification events, 0 for no notification
notif_tblArray of pairs of event and queue identifiers (+ optional event groups to send the events with)
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_eo_add_queue(), em_eo_remove_queue_sync(), em_eo_remove_queue_all_sync()

Definition at line 486 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_remove_queue_all_sync()

em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_all_sync ( em_eo_t  eo,
int  delete_queues 

Removes all queues from an EO, synchronous (blocking).

As em_eo_remove_queue_all(), but does not return until all queues have been removed.

Note that the function is blocking and will not return until the operation has completed across all concerned EM cores. Sync-API calls can block the core for a long (indefinite) time, thus they should not be used to make runtime changes on real time EM cores - consider the async variants of the APIs in these cases instead. While one core is calling a sync-API function, the others must be running the EM dispatch loop to be able to receive and handle the sync-API request events sent internally. Use the sync-APIs mainly to simplify application start-up or teardown.

eoEO handle
delete_queuesdelete the EO's queues if set to EM_TRUE
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_eo_remove_queue_all() for an asynchronous version of the API
atomic_processing_end.c, error.c, event_group.c, event_group_abort.c, event_group_assign_end.c, event_group_chaining.c, fractal.c, loop.c, loop_multircv.c, loop_refs.c, loop_united.c, loop_vectors.c, ordered.c, pairs.c, pool_perf.c, queue_group.c, queue_groups.c, queue_types_ag.c, queue_types_local.c, queues.c, queues_local.c, queues_output.c, queues_unscheduled.c, scheduling_latency.c, send_multi.c, timer_hello.c, timer_test.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 517 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_remove_queue_sync()

em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_sync ( em_eo_t  eo,
em_queue_t  queue 

Removes a queue from an EO, synchronous (blocking)

As em_eo_remove_queue(), but will not return until the queue has been disabled, removed from the EO and no more events are being processed from the queue.

Note that the function is blocking and will not return until the operation has completed across all concerned EM cores. Sync-API calls can block the core for a long (indefinite) time, thus they should not be used to make runtime changes on real time EM cores - consider the async variants of the APIs in these cases instead. While one core is calling a sync-API function, the others must be running the EM dispatch loop to be able to receive and handle the sync-API request events sent internally. Use the sync-APIs mainly to simplify application start-up or teardown.

eoEO handle
queueQueue handle to remove
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_eo_remove_queue() for an asynchronous version of the API
api_hooks.c, dispatcher_callback.c, hello.c, queue_group.c, and queue_groups.c.

Definition at line 409 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_start()

em_status_t em_eo_start ( em_eo_t  eo,
em_status_t result,
const em_eo_conf_t conf,
int  num_notif,
const em_notif_t  notif_tbl[] 

Start an Execution Object (EO), asynchronous (non-blocking)

Start and enable a previously created EO. The em_eo_start() function will first call the user provided global EO start function. If that global start function returns EM_OK then events to trigger the (optional) user provided local start function are sent to all cores. The em_eo_start() function returns immediately after the global start returns, which means that the action only fully completes later. Notifications should be used if the caller needs to know when the EO start has fully completed. The given notification event(s) will be sent to the given queue(s) when the start is completed on all cores.

Local start is not called and event dispatching is not enabled for this EO if the global start function does not return EM_OK.

The notification(s) are sent when the global start function returns if a local start function hasn't been provided. Use '0' as 'num_notif' if notifications are not needed. Be aware of, is this case, that the EO may not immediately be ready to handle events.

Note that events sent to scheduled queues from a user provided EO global or local start function are buffered. The buffered events will be sent into the queues when the EO start functions have all returned - otherwise it would not be possible to send events to the EO's own queues as the EO is not yet in a started state. No buffering is done when sending to queues that are not scheduled.

The optional conf-argument can be used to pass applification specific information (e.g. configuration data) to the EO.

eoEO handle
[out]resultOptional pointer to em_status_t, which gets updated to the return value of the actual user provided EO global start function.
confOptional startup configuration, NULL ok.
num_notifIf not 0, defines the number of notification events to send when all cores have returned from the start function(s).
notif_tblArray of em_notif_t, the optional notification events (array data is copied)
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_start_func_t(), em_start_local_func_t(), em_eo_stop(), em_eo_start_sync()

Definition at line 604 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_start_sync()

em_status_t em_eo_start_sync ( em_eo_t  eo,
em_status_t result,
const em_eo_conf_t conf 

Start Execution Object (EO), synchronous (blocking)

As em_eo_start(), but will not return until the operation is complete.

Note that the function is blocking and will not return until the operation has completed across all concerned EM cores. Sync-API calls can block the core for a long (indefinite) time, thus they should not be used to make runtime changes on real time EM cores - consider the async variants of the APIs in these cases instead. While one core is calling a sync-API function, the others must be running the EM dispatch loop to be able to receive and handle the sync-API request events sent internally. Use the sync-APIs mainly to simplify application start-up or teardown.

eoEO handle
[out]resultOptional pointer to em_status_t, which gets updated to the return value of the actual user provided EO global start function.
confOptional startup configuration, NULL ok.
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_start_func_t(), em_start_local_func_t(), em_eo_stop()
em_eo_start() for an asynchronous version of the API
api_hooks.c, atomic_processing_end.c, dispatcher_callback.c, error.c, event_group.c, event_group_abort.c, event_group_assign_end.c, event_group_chaining.c, fractal.c, hello.c, loop.c, loop_multircv.c, loop_refs.c, loop_united.c, loop_vectors.c, ordered.c, pairs.c, pool_perf.c, queue_groups.c, queue_types_ag.c, queue_types_local.c, queues.c, queues_local.c, queues_output.c, queues_unscheduled.c, scheduling_latency.c, send_multi.c, timer_hello.c, timer_test.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 725 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_stop()

em_status_t em_eo_stop ( em_eo_t  eo,
int  num_notif,
const em_notif_t  notif_tbl[] 

Stop Execution Object (EO), asynchronous (non-blocking)

Disables event dispatch from all related queues, calls core local stop on all cores and finally calls the global stop function of the EO when all cores have returned from the (optional) core local stop. The call to the global EO stop is asynchronous and only done when all cores have completed processing of the receive function and/or core local stop. This guarantees no other core is accessing EO data during the EO global stop function.

This function returns immediately, but may only fully complete later. If the caller needs to know when the EO stop has actually completed, the num_notif and notif_tbl should be used. The given notification event(s) will be sent to given queue(s) when the stop operation actually completes. If such notifications are not needed, use '0' as 'num_notif'.

When the EO has stopped it can be started again with em_eo_start().

eoEO handle
num_notifNumber of notification events, 0 for no notification
notif_tblArray of pairs of event and queue identifiers (+ optional event groups to send the events with)
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_stop_func_t(), em_stop_local_func_t(), em_eo_start(), em_eo_stop_sync()

Definition at line 854 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_stop_sync()

em_status_t em_eo_stop_sync ( em_eo_t  eo)

Stop Execution Object (EO), synchronous (blocking)

As em_eo_stop(), but will not return until the operation is complete.

Note that the function is blocking and will not return until the operation has completed across all concerned EM cores. Sync-API calls can block the core for a long (indefinite) time, thus they should not be used to make runtime changes on real time EM cores - consider the async variants of the APIs in these cases instead. While one core is calling a sync-API function, the others must be running the EM dispatch loop to be able to receive and handle the sync-API request events sent internally. Use the sync-APIs mainly to simplify application start-up or teardown.

eoEO handle
EM_OK if successful.
See also
em_stop_func_t(), em_stop_local_func_t(), em_eo_start()
em_eo_stop() for an asynchronous version of the API
api_hooks.c, atomic_processing_end.c, dispatcher_callback.c, error.c, event_group.c, event_group_abort.c, event_group_assign_end.c, event_group_chaining.c, fractal.c, hello.c, loop.c, loop_multircv.c, loop_refs.c, loop_united.c, loop_vectors.c, ordered.c, pairs.c, pool_perf.c, queue_group.c, queue_groups.c, queue_types_ag.c, queue_types_local.c, queues.c, queues_local.c, queues_output.c, queues_unscheduled.c, scheduling_latency.c, send_multi.c, timer_hello.c, timer_test.c, timer_test_periodic.c, and timer_test_ring.c.

Definition at line 897 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_to_u64()

uint64_t em_eo_to_u64 ( em_eo_t  eo)

Convert an EO handle to an unsigned integer

eoEO handle to be converted
uint64_t value that can be used to print/display the handle
This routine is intended to be used for diagnostic purposes to enable applications to e.g. generate a printable value that represents an em_eo_t handle.

Definition at line 1162 of file event_machine_eo.c.

◆ em_eo_unregister_error_handler()

em_status_t em_eo_unregister_error_handler ( em_eo_t  eo)

Unregister an EO specific error handler.

Removes a previously registered EO specific error handler and restores the global error handler into use for the EO.

eoEO handle
EM_OK if successful.

Definition at line 585 of file event_machine_eo.c.