EM-ODP  3.8.0-1
Event Machine on ODP
event_machine_eo.h File Reference
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Data Structures

struct  em_eo_multircv_param_t


typedef void(* em_receive_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_event_t event, em_event_type_t type, em_queue_t queue, void *q_ctx)
typedef void(* em_receive_multi_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_event_t events[], int num, em_queue_t queue, void *q_ctx)
typedef em_status_t(* em_start_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo, const em_eo_conf_t *conf)
typedef em_status_t(* em_start_local_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)
typedef em_status_t(* em_stop_local_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)
typedef em_status_t(* em_stop_func_t) (void *eo_ctx, em_eo_t eo)


em_eo_t em_eo_create (const char *name, em_start_func_t start, em_start_local_func_t local_start, em_stop_func_t stop, em_stop_local_func_t local_stop, em_receive_func_t receive, const void *eo_ctx)
void em_eo_multircv_param_init (em_eo_multircv_param_t *param)
em_eo_t em_eo_create_multircv (const char *name, const em_eo_multircv_param_t *param)
em_status_t em_eo_delete (em_eo_t eo)
size_t em_eo_get_name (em_eo_t eo, char *name, size_t maxlen)
em_eo_t em_eo_find (const char *name)
em_status_t em_eo_add_queue (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_add_queue_sync (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue)
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_sync (em_eo_t eo, em_queue_t queue)
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_all (em_eo_t eo, int delete_queues, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_remove_queue_all_sync (em_eo_t eo, int delete_queues)
em_status_t em_eo_register_error_handler (em_eo_t eo, em_error_handler_t handler)
em_status_t em_eo_unregister_error_handler (em_eo_t eo)
em_status_t em_eo_start (em_eo_t eo, em_status_t *result, const em_eo_conf_t *conf, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_start_sync (em_eo_t eo, em_status_t *result, const em_eo_conf_t *conf)
em_status_t em_eo_stop (em_eo_t eo, int num_notif, const em_notif_t notif_tbl[])
em_status_t em_eo_stop_sync (em_eo_t eo)
em_eo_t em_eo_current (void)
void * em_eo_get_context (em_eo_t eo)
em_eo_state_t em_eo_get_state (em_eo_t eo)
em_eo_t em_eo_get_first (unsigned int *num)
em_eo_t em_eo_get_next (void)
em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_first (unsigned int *num, em_eo_t eo)
em_queue_t em_eo_queue_get_next (void)
uint64_t em_eo_to_u64 (em_eo_t eo)